All things Krom Dog

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Krom Dog Blog Dog Blog

Welcome to Krom Dog's Blog

Here I will post Krom related issues and pictures of his various adventures.


Krom is around 2 years of age all though the exact date of his birth is debatable he really doesn't mind how old he is?

Recent News

Krom recently decided to eat 11 mince pie's in 10 mins (and he stole the mince pie's) ^-^

Todays Post 20-12-2009

Krom Dog takes a trip to the bollin valley.

Krom is known for his speed and fetching the stick abilites here he shows other amateur dogs how to get it right the first time.

I wouldn't want to be that stick.

Snow way.

Snow worries.

Its a Snow problem.

Krom Dog Blog Beta version phase 1.0

Click >>

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Krom dog

Krom Dog

World of CodCraft

in reference to: Google (view on Google Sidewiki)
